About Yeditepe University Hospitals
Yeditepe University Hospitals have a reputation for offering high-end quality, patient oriented medical care, and cutting-edge technology, are popular with patients from all over the world seeking medical treatment in Turkey.
Yeditepe University was founded by ISTEK Foundation in 1996. It has pioneered many fields in Turkey since the day of coming into service. Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital which is its first establishment in healthcare sector was opened in 2005.
Following modern technology closely and sustaining development, Yeditepe University Hospitals aimed to provide larger populations with healthcare services and added Dental Hospital to the service chain, which was followed by Bağdat Street Clinic in 2006, Eye Health Center in 2007, Genetic Diagnosis Center and Complementary Medicine Center in 2008, Tissue Typing Laboratory in 2013.
Yeditepe University Koşuyolu Hospital has been opened as the eighth branch in 2017. Yeditepe University Koşuyolu Hospital which exhibited its difference from the first day with its strong physician staff, developed infrastructure and patient-oriented service approach has an agonic architecture. This feature has been used in a hospital for the first time in Turkey. "Zero hospital-acquired infection spread" is tried to be achieved with the new hospital which has been painted with a special antimicrobial agent developed in Yeditepe University Laboratory.Neurosurgery department which has the neurosurgeon of the century amongst its staff is internationally renowned. He is popular with the pioneering and successful surgeries in many fields including the method developed by him in the field of epilepsy surgery and tumor surgery.
Yeditepe University Hospitals transmit the scientific power to service approach in all fields including adult and pediatric bone marrow transplant, renal transplant, cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, cancer surgery, orthopedics, urology, gynecology, in vitro fertilization, high-level genetic diagnosis laboratory.
Continuing to grow and develop day by day, Yeditepe University Hospitals have conducted many successful works in the direction of its principles. The first permanent artificial heart pump operation in Turkey.
Transplantation of bone with vessels using bones obtained from the patient’s own body without requiring knee prosthesis.
Bioabsorbable stent project and double balloon endoscopy were first performed in Yeditepe University Hospital.
It became the "First Turkish University Hospitals Group" to document its quality and success at international level by being accredited by Joint Commission International in 2007.
In the year 2014, it was accredited as “Training and Research Center Hospital” and became the first Medical School Hospital with this certificate. It trained and continues to train successful physicians with the privilege of being a university hospital earned international accreditations on medical education while it is healing the patients under its roof.
Yeditepe University Hospitals aim to provide healthcare services for the patients from different regions of the world and break a fresh ground in Turkish medical history with conducted researches and developed methods.
Founded on the basis of science, Yeditepe University Hospitals continue healing by drawing strength from science!
Yeditepe University Koşuyolu Hospital
‘Zero spreading of cross infection’ is aimed due to a special molecule which is the first in the world and patented and it is developed in Yeditepe University Laboratories. This special molecule which is developed completely locally is applied to all the materials since construction of the hospital and thus antimicrobial hospital ‘Yeditepe University Koşuyolu Hospital’ comes to life.
Yeditepe University Koşuyolu Hospital is challenging with the hygiene and technology standards in the world and with its 180 bed capacity, 6 beds in intensive care, nine operation rooms, and with specialist and academician doctor staff reaching to nearly 100 in 35.000 m2 indoor space and having a chance to be the first antimicrobial hospital of Turkey.
Yeditepe University Koşuyolu Hospital, which Prof. Gazi Yaşargil, MD who is called the brain surgeon of the century and Prof. Uğur Türe, MD and his team are serving in, became a specialization center especially for neurological science and oncology. Specializations equipped with high technology includes; brain surgery, cancer surgery, medical oncology, bone marrow transplantation for children, bone marrow transplantation for adults, orthopedics, thoracic surgery, ENT, general surgery, gastroenterology, nuclear medicine, interventional radiography.
In the brain surgery operation room there is 3 Tesla Intraoperative MRI device that has a special software which and decreases the time of having an MRI from 24 minutes to 4 minutes. Diagnosis, treatment, psychological support, dietary training, pain management, complementary medicine services are provided for oncologic patients with a multidisciplinary approach. In Interventional Radiology unit which has a high technology. Treatments are provided for a lot of diseases from aneurism in brain to diabetic foot.
Former Mayor of Istanbul Metropolitan, Founder and Honorary President of Yeditepe University Bedrettin Dalan was stated that “Studies show that, approximately fifty percent of postoperative mortality is derived from hospital pathogens. We focused to solve this problem. We developed a completely local and national molecule. We applied this Boron based microbicide molecule which is not harming to human cells to our all fixture equipments from door handles to floor coverings, from power sockets to wall paints” while giving information about antimicrobial molecule which is developed by Yeditepe University.
He also added that “Besides the molecule we developed, we started working during construction level for zero cross infection spreading. For example, there are no angled walls in our hospital. Because angled walls contain microbes no matter how clean they are. Starting from this point of view, we designed all the walls as concave or convex, agonic. We raised the level in healthcare field more this time”
Bedrettin Dalan who stated that 200 laboratories and over 500 academician is in charge in Yeditepe University; also added that the total sizes of laboratories are equal to two football fields, studies are continuing, the substructure of biotechnology and genetic science are competing with the world’s best universities. Bedrettin Dalan emphasizes that sources are unlimited for scientific studies and they admitted patients from over 100 countries till now.
Bedrettin Dalan who claimed that Yeditepe University Hospitals have also certifications from international health rating agencies also stated that “There are washable beds in both two hospitals of Yeditepe University. After the patient left the room, the bed is washed with high temperature hot water, disinfected with a special material and so the new patient comes to a very clean bed. There are antimicrobial filters in ventilators in for both of the two hospitals”

Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital
Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital which is founded in 2005, serves with 190 bed capacity, substructure and technology equipped with smart systems.Dwelled on every detail necessary for human health meticulously in this hospital which is equipped with totally non- flammable, unscratchable and antibacterial materials. In Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital sterilization has have great importance so all the beds can be cleaned with water spray system at high temperature along with the manual disinfection.
Some of the most technological devices in the world are Multislice CT (multi slice computer tomography) 3 Tesla MR, PET- CT (identifying cells with cancer) and Gamma Camera. Those devices facilitate diagnosis and treatment and they take their place in Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital Screening Center.
By using computer technology effectively Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital takes the advantages of Hospital Information System (HIS) software. This software, both gives the opportunity to get and process the patient information rapidly and provides keeping and introducing information for special analysis, x-rays, laboratory results to patient from computer. By this system, doctors can make patient follow ups from out of hospital and electronic environment.
Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital and Affiliated Institutions were accredited at first inspection with all the systems and all the standards by JCI (Joint Commission International) in 2 November 2007, which is accepted as the most important institution about health care standards. In other words it became the first Turkish University Hospital Group that documented its quality and success internationally. Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital proved maintainability of its quality by accrediting third time involving Academic Medical Center Hospitals intended standards by JCI in 2014.
By registering its world quality service with this quality certificate which is given to the most premium health care institutes, Yeditepe University Kozyatağı Hospital and its affiliates show decisiveness of walking into the future with bigger success based on its leadership and leading principles.

Yeditepe University Eye Center
Yeditepe University Eye Center is an eye hospital which is founded within the scope of university on a field of 2.250 m2 in 2007. The Eye Center serving affiliated with Yeditepe University Hospital is an eye diseases center that educates students and assistants for Eye Disease department, produces services with the modern technology for 15 different specialties. The aim of Yeditepe University Eye Center is to provide the best quality service while offering the reliability, seriousness and scientificness of the University.

Yeditepe University Tissue Typing Laboratory
Yeditepe University Tissue Typing Laboratory serves for organ transplantation centers inside or outside the institution in accordance with Tissue Typing Laboratory Regulations and with the license given by T.C. Ministry of Health since 2013. Our laboratory is serving for kidney, liver, bone marrow and stem cell organ transplantation and equipped with modern laboratory techniques in our hospital. The main properties of of our laboratory includes, having an experienced stuff, serving for a (JCI) JCIA accredited institution, working with an experienced stuff about different types of transplantations. Besides the other tissue typing tests, high resolution molecular tissue typing tests are also studied since the beginning of 2018. All the information about the tests necessary for transplantation (sample taking, carrying, analyses and reporting) were described in detail Tissue Typing Laboratory Guide (is) enclosed in the attachment. Yeditepe Tissue Typing Laboratory has EN ISO 15189 accreditation since 2017.

Yeditepe University Hospital Genetic Diagnosis Center
Yeditepe University Hospital Genetic Diagnosis Centre which is affiliated with Yeditepe University Medical Faculty Medical Genetics Department is actively serving in a building having a field of 800 m2 inside a campus in Koşuyolu.The center includes patient admission and physical examination rooms, genetic consultancy and training offices, Molecular Diagnosis and Cytogenetic and tissue culture laboratories. Thanks to the laboratories equipped with the latest technology, our aim is being a reference laboratory in Turkey.
Cytogenetic Laboratory: Cytogenetic tests are performed for prenatal and postnatal diagnosis and chromosome analysis are carried out routinely.
Molecular Cytogenetic Laboratory: We have automatic FISH and visual analysis system which provides us to analyze much more cells in shorter time periods compared to routine procedures and serve rapidly and precisely for cancer genetics and prenatal diagnosis.
Molecular Diagnosis Laboratory: DNA and RNA tests are carried out in Molecular Genetics Laboratory. In addition to our routine molecular test list, extra tests according to the needs and demands of doctors who are dealing with polyclinic patients having rare genetical disorders are designed and performed.
Clinical Cancer Genetics: Consultancy is provided especially for diagnosing syndromes of cancer genetics in early period and follow ups of patients. The center is equipped for determining the gene changes that make people susceptible to different cancers including breast and ovarian cancer, intestinal cancer, melanoma, medullary thyroid cancer and rare cancer types. Our centers are aiming to provide the same services as with the world standards by having a connection with a large part of the most improved centers of the world.
Genetic Diagnosis Before Implantation: In addition to routinely performed prenatal and postnatal diagnosis procedures, genetic diagnosis procedures are carried out before implantation for giving a chance to have a healthy baby for the patients having genetical disorders.
Molecular Caryotyping /Chromosome Micro-array Analysis: Thanks to array CGH method which is a new technology started to be used by the genetic laboratories in the world, copy number changes of all the genome and genetical disorders over 140 can be determined in our center with only one test.
Research and Development: In Yeditepe University Hospital Genetic Diagnosis Center, not only routine diagnostic analysis are carried out training studies and genetical research studies are also performed. Professional personnel are following the latest innovations in medical genetics studies and research studies in Turkey and the world. If required, those studies are carried out together with the other research centers, different departments of Yeditepe University and Yeditepe University Hospitals.
Education: Education of the assistants and students is one of the main activities in our centers affiliated with Yeditepe University Medical Faculty Medical Genetics Department.