Beware of Swimmer's Ear, a Summer Disease!

Summer holidays do not just bring comfort. External ear canal infections can turn life into a nightmare when entering the sea and pool frequently. This problem is mostly caused by earwax and inadequate pools of disinfection. People with diabetes, hearing aids, and eczema on their skin have a higher risk of "swimmer's ear" disease.

In the summer season, when the pool and sea are frequently entered and water sports are intense, it can invite external ear canal diseases. A moist environment in the external auditory canal with frequent water contact paves the way for infections. People with intense secretions or skin rashes, especially in the external auditory canal, are at risk for moist ears. Trying to clean the outer ear canal with fingers, towels, ear sticks or pointed objects is also among the factors that increase the likelihood of infection.

It Is Called Swimmer's Ear Because It Is Common in Swimmers

Yeditepe University Hospital Ear, Nose, and Throat Specialist said, "External auditory canal infections are common in those who are interested in water sports and swimmers. That is why it is called "Swimmer's Ear". During the holiday periods when the pool and the sea are busy, many people get this disease. This problem is caused by the fact that the ear secretion, also called earwax, is dense, absorbing water like a sponge, trapping moisture in the external ear canal and preparing the ground for the development of infection. Crowded pools with insufficient disinfection also facilitate infection. People with diabetes, hearing aids or eczema of the outer ear canal have a higher risk for swimmer's ear." 

Severe Pain After Itchy Ear

In the external auditory canal infection, initially, only the ear itches and the feeling of fullness in the ear followed by a gradually intensifying pain begins. It is stated that ear pain is evident by touching the auricle or lying on it.

Then swelling or discharge appears in the ear. In this infection, which must be consulted with the doctor, earwax and inflammation residues in the outer ear canal are removed first. The ear drops are used to treat the infection. In cases of intense swelling of the outer ear canal, a wick-shaped pad may need to be placed to make it easier for the drops to reach and absorb the outer ear canal. In cases where the infection is extensive, oral antibiotic treatment is started.

How Can You Protect Yourself?

It is recommended to remove the earwax, which is dense in the external auditory canal, before the holiday, as it enters the season of protection from swimmer's ear disease. This is done with an aspirator or curette without pain. It is considered very important to arrange the pre-holiday treatment of patients with eczema, especially in the external auditory canal. After contact with water, it is necessary not to scratch the ear, not to play with the ear, and not to traumatize the ear with a finger or a towel.
