Pediatric Onkology

Childhood cancers are cancers seen under the age of 15. Its incidence varies between 100 and 150 per million. Lung, breast, and colon cancers, which are common in adults, are very rare in children. Childhood cancers tend to be more aggressive than adult cancers. Of all the causes of death, it ranks second after accidents.

Childhood solid tumors:

1.    Brain tumors
2.    Wilms’ tumor and other tumors of the kidney
3.    Neuroblastoma, ganglion neuroblastoma (adrenal tumor)
4.    Soft tissue sarcomas (muscle and connective tissue tumors)
5.    Bone tumors
6.    Retinoblastoma (eye tumor)
7.    Germ cell tumors
8.    Hepatoblastoma, hepatocellular carcinoma (liver tumor)
9.    Other rare tumors of childhood
There are many treatment methods for childhood cancers. The treatment method varies according to the disease and its spread. Surgical, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, immunotherapy, and stem cell transplantation are included in the treatment methods.
Diagnosis and treatment services are offered to outpatient and inpatient cancer patients under 18 in the Pediatric Oncology Department of Yeditepe University Hospitals.
All solid tumors, lymphomas, and leukemias seen in childhood are diagnosed, treated, and followed up in our center.
Yeditepe University Kosuyolu Hospital has a Pediatric Hematology-Oncology Clinic, polyclinic, and inpatient service. Bed service is 11 rooms; spacious single rooms provide the most ideal conditions for our children who receive chemotherapy. Rooms have a bathroom, toilet, air conditioning, mini fridge, wardrobe, safe, and rest group for companions. Follow-up and treatment are performed under the guidance of the mother.
In our outpatient chemotherapy unit, where short-term outpatient treatments and blood transfusions are performed, there are 5 treatment units and a one-bedroom.
Pediatric Oncology outpatient services are performed only on the floor of a special outpatient clinic for children with cancer, leukemia, and blood disease.


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