Face Lift Surgery

Especially with aging, there are naturally some changes in the appearance of the face. As the skin  loses its elasticity over time, the skin becomes looser. However, while fat deposits decrease in some areas, an increase is observed in some areas. At this point, facelift surgeries can provide benefits to achieve the desired appearance. Facelift (rhytidectomy) surgeries performed to provide a younger appearance to the face are mostly cosmetic surgeries.

  • When is Face Lift Surgery Necessary?

Facelift surgery, which is defined as rhytidectomy, can be used for clarification of folds on the cheeks, sagging and clarification of smile lines, sagging in the mouth and chin, and sagging and wrinkles around the eyes.

  • Which Methods Are Used in Face Lift Surgery?

Although there are some non-surgical alternatives for a facelift, a facelift is a surgical procedure. Therefore, the correct patient selection and the examination to be performed beforehand are extremely important. Non-surgical techniques result in inadequate corrections when the needs are not correctly identified. Although there is no definite limit, it may be insufficient from the age of 50 on average.
Frontal lift and eyebrow lift is the open or endoscopic intervention in the person's eyebrow and forehead area.

  • Temporal lift is an intervention in the eye area and eyebrows of the person.
  • A midface lift is a procedure of re-suspending the sagging cheek area by entering from the lower eyelid area.
  • Facelift (rhytidectomy) is the procedure of shaping the tissue under the skin with an incision starting from the ear border and removing the excess skin. 
  • A neck lift often involves lengthening the incision line behind the ear, tightening the subcutaneous tissue in the neck area with an incision made under the chin, and removing excess skin, together with a facelift.
  • What to Expect from Face Lift Surgery?

It is important to give a normal appearance to the patient/client, without changing his/her facial expression, so that he/she looks younger. In this surgery, requesting and examining the younger photographs of the patient constitutes the main guide for creating the roadmap.

  • What Are the Points to Consider Before Undergoing Face Lift Surgery?

Choosing the patient correctly before surgery and determining the appropriate method for the patient are at the top of the to-do list. The main complaint of the patient/client must be determined and it is extremely important to agree that his/her expectation is realistic.
After the detailed medical history of the patient/client is evaluated, the use of medications and herbal products that may cause bleeding and delay in wound healing should be discontinued. At this point, it is necessary to act in accordance with the direction of the physician. In addition, if the patient smokes before the facelift procedure, it is also beneficial to quit.

  • How is Face Lift Surgery Performed?

Facelift surgeries are performed under general anesthesia. It is performed in the form of removing excess skin tissue after shaping the structure called SMAS under the skin by entering with an incision made from the anterior border of the ear. It can often be accompanied by temporal and neck lifts, and the incision lines are extended towards the temple area and the area behind the ear.

  • Can Aesthetic Applications and Face Lift Surgery Be Performed Together?

If there is a loss of volume on the face of the patient/client during facelift operations, the volume can be increased by fat injection to the face. Surgical procedures such as eyelid aesthetics and rhinoplasty can also be performed during the same surgery.

  • Is Lift Surgery Performed on a Face That Has Undergone Aesthetic Application Before?

Facelift surgery can rejuvenate the person's face for 10-20 years. However, after the surgery, aging and the effects of aging will start again. Because sun rays and gravity are factors that cannot be changed for skin aging. Therefore, it is important to carry out preventive studies to reduce the harmful effects of sun rays. Although the effects last for many years, a facelift can be performed again in the future in line with the demands.

  • What Are the Points to Consider After Face Lift Surgery?

It is necessary to avoid maneuvers that will increase blood pressure and cause bleeding, especially in the early postoperative period. It is important to apply ice and keep the head slightly elevated to reduce edema and bruising. Medications and substances (cigarettes) that will delay wound healing should be avoided. In addition, it is extremely important to strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor.

  • When Do I Get Results from Facelift Surgery?

Edema and bleeding may occur in the early postoperative period. Asymmetry may be noticeable. However, all these complaints can be noticed in the first week. These will usually go away within the first week. The time to wait for the face to settle and take its final form is approximately 3-6 months.



22 February 2023